

IT businesses – be they software development or service/field support oriented – face the challenge common to those within professional services: developing a simple, clear, cohesive picture of individual worker’s time and activity when that individual can range across multiple tasks and projects, often for multiple clients.

But without this hard information – accurate, comprehensive data for all time spent – and without the consequent insight, how do you know what’s really involved in delivering your service? How do you know whether a support contract is performing? How do you monitor a lengthy development project for burn rate? How do you price competitively or manage proactively when you are running blind to the cost of doing business?

Capturing the inputs/outputs of professionals – how much time they spend and what they achieve in that time, be that chargeable or non-chargeable – is a fundamental part of the ‘how’ challenge. Aggregating it with associated data sets to give a joined up, 360° view of workforce activity is another. That’s why we’ve developed Rekoop to not just effortlessly track and record time, but to meld and analyse all relevant data sets to give orgnaisations full visibility of their cost base.


‘By using our own tech, we have 100% real-time visibility over project progress and financial burn rate”

Phil Ashworth, CIO